Newsletter: Featured Lifestyle: Work & Productivity - vol 3, issue 6

In This Issue . . .

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CCQH Gifts-that-Inspire

CCQH Leadership Club News

Featured Leader: Kathryn Alexander

"Birds of a Feather"

Guess Who Game!

Insights to Success: Productivity. 3rd Tool - To Possess Passion & Purpose

Steve's Creations: Cooking Productivity. Making Green Chile

On Our Website . . .

Get Inspired: The ONE Decision that Can Change Your Course Forever

By Don Strankowski


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If you are a guest, Sign-up here to be added to our mailing list for this abridged version of our Newsletter.


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                                             Members & Spouses/Dates, Join Us for Our . . .

Fall Hike on September 29th, 8:30 AM, Chautauqua Park, Boulder, CO

Potluck Dinner Party, Nov. 3rd, 6:30 PM, Lutton Home, Lafayette, CO

                 More details on the Events Calendar      


CCQH® Gifts-that-Inspire


Have a workable productive day,

Knowing you are of such value to all you meet everyday.

Contributing good and true ethics to the world

from your everyday life

Will relieve tension, worry and so much strife.

Our work and productivity

Can have the balance as one in any activity.

Have a Productive Day!

—Joey Grunewald

"These acts we call our work, shall they be fun? Shall they be the sincere rendering of our truest purpose in life unfolding as we breathe into the newest day?"—Cheri Lutton


Welcome to our newest section that features CCQH® Words-that-Inspire in harmony with each Newsletter's Lifestyle theme. We will also begin to highlight goods and services from our CCQH Leadership Store, offering Club Member Pricing even to Guests who purchase during this limited featuring. A Portion of the Net Proceeds for each highlighted good or service will be donated to specific nonprofit causes, projects, organizations, and/or foundations.

Our current highlight is a book of poems, Jo-Jo's Livin Like a Kid, by Joey Grunewald. Written and illustrated together with Joey's grandchildren, this book will delight family members of all ages and inspire the child within you. More about Joey's talents can be found on A portion of the net proceeds from our sales will be donated to The Pearl Foundation, fostering their mission to develop global orphanages called spark of light villages. More information is availble on

Livin' Like A KidJo-Jo's Livin Like a Kid™

By Joey Grunewald, Gifts from My Heart

Price: $10.95 | Club Member Pricing: $9.85   Purchase

Portion of net proceeds will be donated to The Pearl Foundation.

Joey Grunewald and her grandchildren will inspire you with poems and illustrations that will make you feel like "livin like a kid." Also, makes a great gift for your lovedones.

Remember, Club Member Pricing is available right now, even to Guests!

CCQH Leadership Club News

We are pleased to announce that . . .

Kathryn Alexander has conducted a leadership interview with Cheri Lutton on Leadership and the power behind the CCQH Leadership Club, which can be heard, and/or downloaded as a podcast and shared with others at

Tim Loomis has successfully launched  Veronique Inc., and recently completed a personal development mentorship with Veronique. Tim is now building his coaching clientele for his company  ConnnectPointe, a life coaching and personal development company at Tim is also working with Yaktivate, an online media broadcasting organization, and has become an expert in podcasting.

Rosellen and David Lobree have completed a leadership intensive workshop this summer called the Enlightened Warrior Training Camp, which is produced by Peak Potentials. T Harv Eker, a formidable motivational speaker, is the pioneer behind this advancement work.

Two of our members have each launched unique real estate investment enterprises that offer a variety of properties in Costa Rica. May Tran represents Costa Rica ventures at She is involved in residential and commercial projects. Steve Immer has several enterprises as an investor/developer for properties near Uvita, one of which is called White Shoes. He is also involved in both residential and commercial projects.

Charles Mui has built an alliance with Breeze, a multimedia technologies company that provides state-of-the-art online global communication systems. Charles has developed an expertise in sales and training in global communications and internet marketing.

Visit our Members Profile Directory to learn more about and contact any of these and/or other CCQH Leadership Club members.

Again, on our upcoming events . . .

September 29th, we are having a Fall Casual Hike for local Club members. Meet at 8:30 am in front of the Chautauqua Restaurant, Chautauqua Park, Boulder, Colorado. Bring water and a morning snack., wear comfortable shoes and appropriate hiking attire.

November 3rd, we are hosting a Fall Potluck Dinner Party for all Club members and their spouses/dates at the Lutton residence, Lafayette, Colorado. Join us at 6:30pm for an evening of fun, good eats, and socializing.


All CCQH Leadership Club Members are welcome to submit their personal and/or professional news and announcements to post in our Newsletter. Simply log in to the Club and submit to Cheri Lutton here.

Featured Leader : Kathryn Alexander

Dynamic Systems and Ethical Choices: 

Birds of a Feather™

By Kathryn Alexander

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Working with the ideas of Abraham Maslow and others, I have put together a model that helps explain five major motivational drivers of behavior and the ethical implications of those drivers. This model is called Birds of a Feather™. The basic premise of the model agrees with what Maslow said, in terms of motivation (they are drivers), and in terms of each needing to be fulfilled before the next gain's importance. Each of the motivational drivers leads to a very different type of system.  Each system has its own internal logic, ethic and leadership style.

The Five Motivational Drivers

Text Box:

People with a Strong Need for Security - Canaries

People with strong needs for security are concerned with survival in its most basic form. People who are focused in this area are very task-oriented and have little energy or interest in creativity, enjoyment or pleasure as a life enhancer. Their main focus is on ensuring that their own security needs are met. Pleasure is most likely to be experienced as relief from stress.

In the work environment,  their skills and expertise will be exercised in strategies that ensure their continued employment and self-protection. Fear makes most people risk-adverse, although some people prefer to attack rather that wait to be attacked. People in this area will not rock the boat and will resist taking on responsibility. They can become so fearful that they could be potentially violent if threatened with job loss. The classic picture that comes to mind is the violent strikes of the 30’s when people already in economic stress were threatened with lay-offs. Creativity is expressed through cleverness in getting what they want. People in this mode will constantly test to see if the safety offered is real. They act as “canaries” bringing to the organization a sensitivity to danger. A wise use of this sensitivity can only strengthen solutions. They also have great patience and often adopt a “wait and see” attitude. They let others test the waters before they themselves relax. This caution prevents the organization from making the best use of their skills and talents. If there is already a lot of fear in the culture, these people will either hide or create trouble by trying to protect themselves through any means at their disposal. Movement into an interest in the rules about "how" to be safe in the company of others is not seen as important unless they support their basic physical needs being met.

The leadership that is most effective for people with this need foremost is the command and control format. Comfort comes from a clear direction, a separate authority that is very traditionally “top,” and the responsibility defined and clearly allocated. Rules and boundaries are welcomed and obedience to their limits is seen as a prescription for safety. Ambiguity is scary and threatening, so the more defined things are the better.

Text Box:  People with Strong Needs for Rules - Penguins

As physical survival gets addressed, and an individual feels secure enough to venture out into the world, their attention turns to, “how do I make myself safe in the company of others?” This is the real job of all our laws and, to a lesser extent, of our rules of etiquette. This stage of the developmental continuum is the first step on the journey from the understanding of rules for social behavior, to their mastery. Because rules play such a large part in defining and maintaining safety, they often have the weight of laws written in stone. This means that any deviation is seen as personally threatening. Any expansion of the boundaries reactivates the survival stage memory of the uncertainty and ambiguity that previously was a constant experience. The memory of this fear is one reason differences are not tolerated well, so people seek the security of groups of like-minded individuals where their understanding of the world is shared. Rules have credence based on the importance of the creating authority, so they are adhered to as if they defined the outside world. Rules are seen as maintaining the boundaries of safety. For Penguins, changes in the rules can only be safely done by a recognized authority.

At work these people are very dutiful and are often watchdogs for the rest of the culture, safe-guarding everyone. One organization told me with pride how flexible their employees were. “We just tell them to change, and they do.” It was easy to get people to do different things, however it was VERY difficult to get them to do things differently. These people need to know that “everyone else is doing it” before they feel comfortable making any significant change. However, they are dependable and loyal and provide an organization with great stability and consistency. If there is a lot of fear in the culture they become resistant and group together into special interest groups that can be very vocal and disruptive.

The preferred leadership style here is also autocratic and command and control. Confidence is gained by following the leader. There is only one “right” way, and that is defined by those in power. Questioning is not OK and neither is seeking other options, which is seen as being disloyal. Obedience is valued and discipline is a cherished virtue. Here meaning is made by others, who surely know best.


Text Box:  People with Strong Needs for Personal Power - Eagles

Power has received so much negative press. Everyone needs to . . .  If you are a member, click here to sign in to, Newsletters, and read entire Club Newsletter.



If you are a guest, please post your questions &/or share your experiences related to this article here.

Kathryn Alexander's Profile

Kathryn AlexanderKathryn Alexander is the President and CEO of Ethical Impact, Inc.. Her firm specializes in the areas of ethics, effectiveness, leadership development and organizational change. Her success is based on creating alignment through the organization, from customer to leadership, using assessment and customized scorecards to measure strategic effectiveness. Her clients include: Time Warner, the Eagle County Assessors Office, San Francisco Public Works Department, AT&T, Rochester Telephone, Union Carbide, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Mervyn’s, and Pacific Telesis International. Kathryn is also adjunct faculty at several universities including Regis University, the University of Denver, and the University of Barcelona, Spain. Kathryn graduated from John F. Kennedy University with a B.S. in Business Administration and an MA in Organizational Development and Transformation. She has completed most of a Ph.D. in systems theory and organization development from Saybrook Institute, in San Francisco. She’s a published author with articles in many journals including Personal Excellence sponsored by Steven Covey, and is a regular in Lyons paper, the Redstone Review. She is currently engaged in writing a book on ethics.

Kathrynis also the host of the Enlightened Business internet radio show, and Kathryn recently conducted an interview with Cheri Lutton, which can be heard and downloaded at   As a professional speaker, Kathryn is currently developing her platform to include topics for the health profession, and sharing her personal insights and experiences on how she has overcome cancer, which can be viewed on Kathryn's profile and article are also available at


If you are a member, learn more about our featured Leader in the Member Profile Directory at

If you are a guest, learn more about CCQH Leadership Club and this lifestyle at, Lifestyle Area in Family & Plan.

Contact Joey Grunewald here.

Guess Who

Guess Who . . . is the famous leader who has dedicated his/her life to his/her profession and work in public service. He/she has demonstrated a passion for the American armed forces, which advanced his/her career into a cabinet seat in the White House. His/her productivity was evident in each of his/her accomplishments, and his/her work ethic remains consistent even into retirement. He/she has been happily married and has enjoyed a fulfilling family life with his children. He/she and his/her spouse also devote much of their time now to philanthropic proejcts in youth leadership.

The Guess Who™ Game focuses on celebrating famous leaders who display leadership qualities related to one of the Lifestyle Areas in Balance, Spirit & Passion, Mind & Purpose, Body & Power, Family & Plan, Work & Productivity, or Society & Profitability.

If you are a Club member, SUBMIT YOUR VOTE HERE, and if you get this right, you could qualifiy for the Guess Who Game surprise gift.


Last Newsletter's (V.3/I.5) Guess Who Leader is . . . .Walt Disney.

Insights To Success


The Fifth P of Success: Productivity

Tools for Courageous Leadership

Third Tool: To Possess Passion & Purpose

Possess passion and purpose and breathe drive and focus

into each day of your incredible lifestyle of leadership.

To possess both passion and purpose means that you are on a serious mission to create productive results in your life. Possessing both passion and purpose becomes the necessary tool that will guide your leadership power into steadfast motion. From this point, you will recognize the power within you and your team that is directed on a pathway filled with worthiness. Self-empowerment naturally flows from this tool, and, voila! It makes work fun, fulfilling, and inherently productive. Productivity without passion or purpose becomes drone, superficial, and repetitive, and eventually, wears down effectiveness and leadership.

Think about the systems that are required to perform any type of work productivity, whether it be personal or professional, corporate or entrepreneurial. As a team leader—or leader of self—it is important to pace a daily dose of stamina, enthusiasm, and clarity into the project at-hand. This refers to any leadership role from chief executive officer to entrepreneur and/or parent to student, and everything in between. Leaders breathe drive and focus, which are the benefits derived from passion and purpose, into the team. Drive and focus are the operatives that build the "gas pedal" and extend the fuel or human resource so that the project and/or company's operating mission can sustain its productivity. The importance behind passion and purpose isn't to create hype; moreso, it creates a longlasting pace of energy that becomes fruitful in carrying out the specific mission.

How do you sustain this tool within yourself and your team? Here are ten simple keys:. . . . If you are a member, sign in to here to go to Newsletters, and read the entire article in the Club Newsletter

As always, and until we meet again, go out and make your dreams come true!

All My Best,

Cheri Lutton


Post your comments and/or share your experiences related to this article on our Forum.

Gain more on how to use this tool to increase your profitability in society through Insights to Success. Excerpt from Insights to Success, The Six P's of Success.

©2006 by Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Cheri Lutton

—Contributed by Cheri Lutton, CEO & Founder, CCQH, Inc. Cheri serves through her work as a Leadership Development Expert, Author, and Media Host/Speaker.

For more on Cheri. or to contact Cheri, submit here.

Steve's Creations:

Cooking Productivity

Making Green Chile

Steve's Tip™: If you are a member, sign in to and go to the Newsletters to read entire article in the Club Newsletter.


Nothing says fall like football and green chile. One of my favorite and most fun recipes of the season is my annual batch of green chile. I've been making it every fall since I moved to Colorado twenty years ago. My brother-in-law turned me on to a recipe, and I was instantly hooked on this delicious southwest food. The aroma of roasting green chilies and the hearty satisfaction of the green chile is a fall sensation that can't be beat. Let's get down to making the chile!

Recipe for Green Chile

If you are a member, sign in to and go to the Newsletters to read entire article in the Club Newsletter.


Bon Appetit,

Steve Lutton

Steve's Creations  - from Soil to Skillet


Post your questions &/or feedback for this article here.

Excerpt from Steve's Creations-from Soil to Skillet®.©2006 by Steve & Cheri Lutton. All rights reserved.


Steve's Creations


—'Contributed by Steve Lutton, CFO, CCQH, Inc. and

Renegade Press, Inc. Steve serves through his work as

a Cooking & Gardening Expert and Business Manager.

For more on Steve, To contact Steve, submit here.



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"Celebrating the Centered Qualities of Humanity"

...Advancing a Legacy in Leadership